

Iraqi Christians Create Syriac TV Channel

6/8/2023    Iraq   (ICC) After years of persecution and destruction, the Christian in community in Iraq takes a step forward as they start a new television channel conducted entirely in Syriac, the traditional language of Christians in the area. The public TV channel may indicate a step forward in the wider acceptance of Christians across Iraq. Syriac is an ancient language derived from the language of Aramaic which is most known as the language that Jesus spoke while He was here on Earth. Twenty years ago, there were 1.5 million Christians in the country, but this number is down to just 150,000 Christians in 2023. Many people sought to find safer places to reside, leaving the remaining Iraqi Christians secluded in the Northern portion of the country. The conditions for Christians in Iraq have improved in the last few years. As Iraq continues to demonstrate its acceptance of other religions, there is an increase in hope for the centuries-old Christan population to return to their home country – the home of Abraham, the home of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Please pray… Praise the Lord for the changes that are taking place in Iraq, with an increase in tolerance […]


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Christian Persecution is Increasing Around the Globe Open Doors World Watch List 2018

1/10/18 (Open Doors)   Another year has passed, and Christian persecution is increasing around the globe. The world rankings based on the severity of Christian persecution for 2018 has been compiled by Open Doors in their World Watch List 2018.    The 15 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution are, in order of severity:   1. North Korea  2. Afghanistan  3. Somalia  4. Sudan  5. Pakistan  6. Eritrea  7. Libya  8. Iraq  9. Yemen  10.  Iran  11. India  12. Saudi Arabia  13. Maldives  14. Nigeria  15. Syria     215 million Christians experience high levels of persecution in the countries on the World Watch List. This represents 1 in 12 Christians worldwide.   North Korea is ranked No.1 for the 16th consecutive year since 2002.   During the World Watch List 2018 reporting period: 3,066 Christians were killed; 1,252 were abducted; 1020 were raped or sexually harassed; and 793 churches were attacked.   Islamic Oppression fuels persecution in 8 of the top 10 countries. Yet, in the midst of this terrible persecution, God is working in these countries and many are coming to Christ.  Let’s pray… Pray that the faith of those facing persecution will be strengthened and that they will be protected. Pray that the Lord will […]


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Bartella Christians Worry About City’s Shiafication

11/20/17  Iraq  (Rudaw) As Iraq is attempting to rebuild in the wake of ISIS, those living in the Nineveh Plains are worried that the practice of Shiafication will prevent people from returning to their homes. The Hashd al-Shaabi forces are making the situation worse, even though places like Bartella and Hamdania were liberated from ISIS a year ago. The Hashd al-Shaabi are systematically trying to change the Christian demography of these places. They have started to operate sectarian schools in churches and religious centers. Please pray… Pray that the Lord will give courage to those who are afraid to return to their homes and that they will be a light in the darkness of Iraq. Pray for the government as it faces obstacles in providing protection for its citizens. Pray that those who have returned to their homes would be able to rebuild their lives.


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ISIS Recruits with the Promise of Sex Slaves

10/11/17  Iraq  (The Independent) The Henry Jackson Society recently published a report showing the depraved levels to which ISIS is going in order to recruit new members. The report shows evidence of ISIS using sex slaves as an incentive for new recruits and foreign fighters to join their extremist group. ISIS also sees this as a way of punishing Yazidi women who will not convert to Islam. As ISIS loses ground, they are gaining strongholds on trafficking routes and using organized crime to continue their recruitment efforts in methods that are increasingly brutal. Please pray… Pray for the many women who are vulnerable to ISIS’s inhumane and demeaning treatment. Pray that the women enslaved by ISIS would be rescued soon. Pray for those who have been rescued from ISIS as they deal with emotional and physical scars from their time in captivity.


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Questions Continue Regarding the Definition of Genocide

8/8/17  Iraq  (Wash. Free Beacon)   There is a question regarding ISIS’s targeted attacks on Christians and Yazidis (and other religious minorities) as to whether or not these attacks have amounted to genocide. Human rights activists are pushing the United States to clarify its position on this issue.  US Senator, Marco Rubio, is calling for more direction to be given to USAID to more effectively assist victims of ISIS. Both US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and President Trump are being urged to speak more strongly about this issue and provide guidance in how to help those affected by ISIS and bring them the relief they need. Let’s pray… Pray for the victims of ISIS as others try to bring them forms of relief and aid. Pray that the US will do all that it can for those who have been affected by ISIS.  Pray for Iraq, as it is considered to be “post-ISIS,” yet a lot of work needs to be done to rebuild what was lost.


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Iraqi Christian Mayor Ousted on Unsubstantiated Accusations

8/2/17  Iraq  (AINA) The Iraqi village of Alqosh had a Christian mayor, Fayez Abed Jawahreh, until the Kurdish Democratic Party ousted him. This brings further hardships to Christians in the region as they continue to see discrimination towards them, not just by ISIS, but others as well. “Alqosh’s mayor had been a symbol of the perseverance of Iraqi Christians but now the Christians of Alqosh will not be able to govern themselves.” Because ISIS has destroyed so much of the Christian population and history, this added discrimination came as a blow to the Alqosh Christians. Please pray… Pray that the Christians would remain a good testimony no matter who their mayor is. Pray that the Gospel will continue to spread in Iraq despite ISIS’s quest to push it out.


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Young Christian Girl Reunited with Family After 3 Years in ISIS Imprisonment

6/12/17  Iraq  (AINA News) In 2014, ISIS kidnapped 3-year old Christina from her family. The Christian family spent many sleepless nights praying for Christina and was finally reunited with her several days ago. It has been difficult for them because Christina doesn’t remember her family. Islamic State has kidnapped thousands of men, women and children from Iraq’s minorities, mainly Yazidis. Christians who did not or could not escape in time were faced with an ultimatum — pay a protection tax, convert to Islam, or die by the sword. Iraqi Christians have experienced tremendous persecution with the rise of ISIS, and it is encouraging to begin to see restoration occurring. But the pain, no doubt, will remain for many years.  Please pray… Praise God for the return of Christina back to her family. Pray for Christina’s transition during this time, that God will bring much healing and comfort to her and her family.  Pray that God will help this family to put the past behind them and look to the future together.


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Christian Fear for their Safety Even as ISIS is Driven Out of Iraq

5/18/17 Iraq (CBN) Reports from coalition forces suggest that Mosul is almost ISIS-free. Despite the good news, the absence of ISIS does not mean Iraq will foster a religiously tolerant society for Christians. Some Christians are concerned that things will become even more dangerous for Christians. Some of church leaders are asking for a safe haven in the Nineveh province for Christians in anticipation of legal and social persecution. Please pray… Praise God for the reports that Mosul is almost ISIS-free. Pray that the Nineveh province will truly become a safe haven for Christians in need. Pray that God will give comfort to Christians in Mosul.


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Christians Building New Church in Kurdistan, Iraq

5/18/17 Iraq (Rudaw)  Situated in a Christian township north of Erbil, the church of St. Petrous and Pols will be the largest church in the Kurdistan Region and one of the biggest in Iraq when construction is completed later this year. Overall, Kurdistan has accepted approximately 200,000 Christian refugees. It is encouraging to see the construction of churches after the destruction of so many churches by ISIS. Please pray… Praise God that He continues to build His church despite the persecution of Christians in Iraq.   Pray for the speedy and successful completion of this church so that the church can continue to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Pray for the continued safely of Christians in Iraq.  


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Christians Don’t Want to Return to a Rebuilt Mosul

4/8/2017  Iraq  (Christian Daily)  The Iraqi government is reported to have begun reconstruction on war-torn cities, such as Mosul, encouraging refugees and displaced families to return to the country. Christians who fled Islamic State atrocities in Mosul, Iraq are still afraid that violence will return even after reconstruction. The Iraqi government has entered the city and has tried to let in only the authorities, but the civilian Shia militia is controlling most of the areas surrounding Mosul so non-government people are also entering the city. Please pray… Pray for the swift rebuilding of buildings, businesses and churches in Mosul. Pray that God gives Christians strength to return to their homes so that a Christian witness will remain in these once-Christian regions of Iraq.  Praise God that Mosul is no longer under ISIS control. Pray that civil war and inter-religious strife will not occur and cause new suffering for the people of Iraq.


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