

Violent Intruder Disrupts Cairo Church

Egypt flag11/15/2018  Egypt  (ICC)

On November 11, an intruder entered a church in Cairo and injured two Christians while shouting “Allah is great.” The 22-year-old man was arrested by the police, but the authorities are saying that he did it because he is mentally ill and a drug user. Many Christians are worried that the police are covering up the attack as a religiously motivated attack by someone who is not actually mentally ill. The incident occurred just over a week after a deadly attack on Christians traveling to a monastery that killed 7 people.


Please pray…

  • Pray that the Lord will fill the Christians in Egypt with His peace, and that they will remain faithful in the midst of regular and often severe persecution.
  • Pray that the Lord will comfort and strengthen those who have lost loved ones to Islamic terrorism.
  • Pray that the government of Egypt will do more to protect its Christian citizens from terrorist attacks.