

Imams Coming to Christ in Bangladesh

11/30/17  Bangladesh (VOM)Bangladesh flag

Imam Fedu, a Muslim scholar and teacher in Bangladesh, recently placed his faith in Christ after receiving a Christian tract and hearing the gospel from a Christian worker. “Jesus is the Savior,” Fedu said. He immediately resigned from his Muslim work and made plans to be baptized. “In Scripture, Nicodemus was a big Jewish scholar, but he didn’t know how to be born again,” the Christian worker said. “It is the same with my friend. When I came back home, Fedu called and he had already led another imam to Christ, and that he gave him a New Testament.” Fedu hopes the other imams who served with him at the mosque will all come to know the truth of Jesus.

Let’ pray…

  • Pray for the bold Christian worker who is sharing the gospel with Muslim scholars.
  • Pray that Fedu will grow in faith and that God will use him to reach other imams, who will then share the gospel with many Muslims.