

Christian Woman Raped and Stoned to Death in Syria

Syria flag7/17/2019  Syria  (ICC)

On July 8, an Armenian Christian woman, Suzan Der Kirkour (6o) went missing, and her body was found the next day just outside of her village. An autopsy revealed that she had been tortured and repeatedly raped over an estimated period of nine hours before being stoned to death. Suzan was a gardener and teacher who often volunteered at her church. She lived in a Christian village, but most of the women have left because of violent aggression from the terrorists. It is widely reported among locals that Suzan’s attackers were members of the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist group. Most Christians have fled Syria, although they made up approximately 10% of the population prior to the war.

Please pray…

  • Pray that the Lord will comfort Suzan’s family and friends at this sad time.
  • Pray that those who tortured and killed her will be convicted of their sin, and turn to Jesus for forgiveness.
  • Pray that the Christians who remain in Syria will be strengthened, comforted and encouraged by the Lord and that they will show the love of Jesus to those around them.