

Egyptian Christian Disowned by Family

Egypt flag7/30/2020  Egypt  (VOM)

A young man was beaten, held captive and later disinherited after becoming interested in Christianity. Ahmed was 16 when he found a scrap of paper on his bus seat that said, “The Lord Jesus has chosen you for Him.” This piqued his curiosity and he began to seek Jesus. When his family found Christian books in his room, they beat him and brought in an imam to try to change his mind. Later, they decided to send him to Saudi Arabia, where his father owned a factory. There he was imprisoned in a small room for seven years before his family allowed him to return to Egypt and then forced him to marry a cousin. In Egypt, Ahmed was able to access Christian media on the Internet, and his faith grew. His family cut him off and disowned him so he would not inherit his father’s business. Last year, Ahmed started a small restaurant business to support himself, but when the neighbors found out he was a Christian, they burned it down.


Please pray…

  • Pray that Ahmed will be protected and blessed by the Lord Jesus in the midst of this persecution, and that the Lord will provide for his needs.
  • Pray that he will grow in his faith and lead others to Christ.
  • Pray for Ahmed’s wife and his family. They will one day repent and trust in Jesus.