

Christians Help After Earthquake Strikes Indonesia’s Persecuted Region

Indonesia flag12/15/2016 Indonesia (UCS News)

The Aceh province of Indonesia is one of the least-friendly areas towards Christians where Christians (and even Muslims) often suffer persecution under Islamic laws. On December 7th, an earthquake hit this region — many were killed and injured, and a few thousand lost their homes. The director of a human rights organization says that Christians have mobilized to send aid to those in need, but there is still need to be careful.

 Let’s pray…

  • Pray for those directly affected by the earthquake, who need help rebuilding their lives.
  • Pray that aid and necessary materials would be received well by those in Aceh.
  • Pray for a loving spirit to be with those who continue to give aid to anyone who needs it, whether or not they are from the same faith.