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Pakistan Inquiry Ordered into Blasphemy Entrapment Group  

Updated: Feb 19

A high court has advised the Pakistani government to establish a commission to investigate alleged collusion between the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and Islamist clerics to entrap innocent people in false blasphemy charges. The court ordered the formation of a four-member commission to investigate a blasphemy entrapment group of clerics and lawyers said to have ensnared more than 400 innocent people, including Christians, in a surge of false blasphemy cases in the last two years. The Islamabad High Court issued the order in response to petitions filed by families of more than 100 people arrested by the FIA for allegedly sharing blasphemous content online. Young men were targeted using female operatives under pseudonyms, who entrapped them in blasphemous activities online, which led to their arrests. The order stated that commission hearings should be made public, except where it considers matters of high sensitivity – for instance, when viewing blasphemous pictures. The order comes as radical Islamists have threatened to kill a prominent TV journalist, Munizae Jahangir, for raising the blasphemy issue on her show. This has led to a public discussion about journalistic freedom to report the truth and urge for justice.

Please pray…

  • Praise the Lord for the forming of this government commission that will investigate false allegations of blasphemy.

  • Pray that those on the commission will be conscientious in seeking the truth and not give in to threats by radical Islamists to make a report that favors the blasphemy business group.

  • Pray that the Lord will protect journalists, such as Munizae Jahangir, who seek to report honestly and fairly about the issue.

  • Pray for the release of those who are in prison for blasphemy under false allegations.

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