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North Korea Gospel Message Reaches North Korea via Airwaves

3/7/2024  (VOM)

For years, Christians have been broadcasting the gospel message into North Korea using shortwave radio. Their broadcasts include Bible readings, sermons by early Korean Christians, hymns and common North Korean songs that have been rewritten with Christ-ian lyrics. Official and unofficial surveys, as well as an increase in jamming efforts by the North Korean government, continue to show that these broadcasts are effectively reaching listeners in North Korea. A North Korean defector reported that he enjoyed listening to the rewritten songs, and he mentioned one that he especially enjoyed, originally titled “Our Party is the Best”, which was changed to “Our God is the Best.”

Please pray…

  • Pray that the seed which was planted in this man through these radio broadcasts will continue to grow now that he is in South Korea. 

  • Pray that the jamming of Christian radio broadcasts will decrease or be ineffective.

  • Pray that many thousands of North Koreans will hear and believe the gospel despite the threat of imprisonment and death if they become Christians.

  • Pray for the Bible to enter North Korea, for the gospel to spread, and for the Lord's protection of the Christians within North Korean underground church.

  • Pray that the dictatorship in North Korea will collapse, and that people will be free in their faith.

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