4/11/2024 (VOM)
Roughly 2.5 million Malawians are part of the Muslim Yao people group. God has been moving significantly among the Yao people in the last two decades, but in recent years, Yao Christians have experienced severe pressure. They are beaten and cast out of their communities, and when others find out they are Christians, they have 24 hours to leave the village. If they don’t, a fatwa will be put on their life (meaning, in this case, that it is all right to kill them). Churches have been burned down, Christians have been attacked. Those who are involved in evangelism and church planting are under extreme pressure and getting many death threats. These threats are causing the evangelists families much stress and worry.
Please pray…
Pray that Yao Christians will have courage to stand firm in their faith amidst intense opposition.
Pray that those involved in Christian work will have God’s courage and also wisdom as they reach out to Yao Muslims.
Pray for the Lord to protect them and their families.