7/10/2024 (International Christian Concern)
In late June, Chinese authorities discussed placing major new restrictions on Christians and religion in general. The discussions, which occurred during two meetings, highlight how the Communist government is increasingly pressuring China’s vibrant underground church. With mostly leaders of the government-controlled Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) church in attendance, meeting organizers affirmed that China’s Communist Party needed to gain further control of Christianity in China. Officials reiterated that church leaders must make President Xi Jinping’s teachings on socialism and other communist teachings central to any preaching and sermons in Chinese churches. Communist officials urged TSPM church leaders to surrender more control over church affairs, including preaching. The Communist Party has also made changes to the Bible (including changing the Ten Commandments) that they deem best for making Christianity more “Chinese”, which means making Christianity align it’s teachings to the teachings of the Communist Party.
Please pray…
Pray that Chinese Christians will remain faithful to Jesus despite increased government control of Christian churches.
Pray that those who have been imprisoned for not compromising their faith will have fruitful ministries while they are imprisoned.
Pray that Christians will be able to smuggle unedited copies of the Bible into the country.