About Hakugai.org
“The opposite of love is not hatred. The opposite of love is indifference.” (Elie Wiesel)
There are many countries in the world that we do not know much about, and in those countries there are many Christian brothers and sisters whom we have never met and whose names we do not know. We are able to pray freely, read our Bibles, praise the Lord loudly, and attend our churches without fear. We take all these things for granted. However, there are hundreds of millions of Christians – our brothers and sisters in Christ – who are being severely persecuted for their faith. Their lives are in danger when they gather for worship and even go about their daily lives.
We want everyone who is reading these words, both here in Japan and also all over the world, to realize that such brothers and sisters in Christ exist. We also want you to hear their voices and their cries for help. Please, do not think that these people aren’t your concern, or that these things are happening in far away places that have nothing to do with you. And, of course, please pray for those who find themselves in such severe conditions.
It is with these desires and prayers in our heart that we have decided to translate some of the prayer requests and information put out by International Christian Concern, Voice of the Martyrs, Morning Star News, and other similar organizations and post them regularly.
— Hakugai.org editors
Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body. (Hebrews 13:3)